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Comments on the Cannabis Act legislative review

Published on March 4, 2024

CFA asks the Government of Canada to amend Schedule II of the Cannabis Act to exempt industrial hemp, including the whole hemp plant, all primary industrial hemp products (hemp roots, hemp stalks and branches, hempseeds, hemp leaves, and hemp flowers), and processed products derived from industrial hemp primary products from the Cannabis Act and repeal the Industrial Hemp Regulations. CFA also proposes regulatory changes to expand allowable sales and processing to whole hemp plants.

Comments on the Regulatory Proposal PRO2024-01, Proposed policy on continuous oversight of pesticides

Published on February 28, 2024

As a result, while the CFA is generally supportive of the proposed policy on continuous oversight of pesticides, we wish to highlight the following concerns over potential risks in applying the policy: Unintended impact on PMRA’s resources and core mandate; Increased confusion concerning pest management products.

CFA Submission to Canada’s Critical Minerals List and Methodology Consultation

Published on February 23, 2024

CFA provides feedback on the Critical Minerals List, recommending that the list include key minerals for agriculture such as phosphorus, nitrogen, boron, copper, iron and others.
It also includes a proposal to develop a Canadian Critical Farm Input Strategy based on the Critical Minerals Strategy.

Comments on Implementation of the interim standard on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in biosolids

Published on February 22, 2024

CFA recommends that adequate resources are allocated by the federal government to develop accessible laboratory methodologies to effectively detect PFAS, and to develop risk assessments to understand the impacts of PFAS in biosolids applied as fertilizers. CFA also recommends the implementation of standards for source control of PFAS in the wastewater stream, in order to limit the presence of PFAS in the environment, including in biosolids.

Comments on Proposed EU regulation for the protection of animals during transport

Published on February 15, 2024

Canada’s farmers and ranchers are concerned not with the European Commission’s proposed regulation itself, but with the lack of recognition of the unique accommodations and flexibility required for the humane transport of animals. These animal welfare practices are already well established here in Canada. For example, through the National Farm Animal Care Council, producers, along with animal welfare groups, enforcement agencies and government have collectively developed Codes of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals across Canada, including animal transportation.

Proposals to amend the Canadian Migratory Birds Regulations

Published on February 12, 2024

The CFA and its members, particularly those in Eastern Canada, have expressed concerns with the significant crop damages caused by the growing Sandhill Crane population. In particular, the number of breeding pairs estimated by the ECCC-Canadian Wildlife Service’s Eastern Waterfowl Survey shows an average growth rate of 11% per year in Quebec since 1990 and 6% per year in Ontario since 2011. As a result, the CFA calls on the Canadian Wildlife Service to allow a managed hunt of Sandhill Cranes in Eastern Canada to help farmers mitigate crop damage caused by Sandhill Cranes.

Comments on in Canada’s 2030 Biodiversity Strategy: Milestone Document

Published on February 9, 2024

Canadian agriculture and agri-food production is already playing an important role in supporting Canada’s biodiversity and contributing to the objectives of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF). Through sustainable best management practices such as the maintenance of soil health, integrated pest management, agroforestry and the use of cover crops, Canadian producers are well positioned to continue the fight against climate change and support Canada’s biodiversity outcomes. As such, it is our view that Canada’s Biodiversity Strategy could benefit from a greater recognition and acknowledgment of the
positive role Canadian agriculture industry is already playing in supporting our biodiversity goals.

CFA Pre-Budget Submission – Feb. 2024

Published on February 6, 2024

To help address many of the challenges faced by farmers, the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) has put forward 18 recommendations in several areas aimed at not only helping farmers manage the increasing cost of production and navigate challenging regulatory barriers, but also to help them mitigate the effects of climate change and support the next generation of farmers.

Joint Comments on Supply Chain Regulatory Review

Published on February 1, 2024

CFA provides comments on the Supply Chain Regulatory review concerning: Maximum Revenue Entitlement, Hours of Service Regulations, Extended Interswitching, Canadian Transportation Agency Own Motion Powers, Automatic Demurrage Penalties, Contracting Practices and Commodity-Specific Training for Canadian Border Service Agents.

Comments on Order Amending Schedule 1 to the Species at Risk Act (SARA) for Eastern Wolves

Published on January 26, 2024

The CFA opposes the uplisting of the Eastern Wolf from Special Concern to Threatened under SARA, without assurances that there be exemptions for certain protections on private lands, in order to ensure that farmers are able to adequately protect their livestock from the predator.

Bill C-234 – Open Letter to Senators to Defeat Amendments to Bill C-234

Published on October 27, 2023

A letter urgently calling on Senators to vote against amendments made to Bill C-234, An Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act. These amendments excluded thousands of Canadian farmers from receiving critical financial relief, and raised the potential for a significant delay in the passage of Bill C-234.

Bill C-293 – Proposed Amendments to Standing Committee on Health

Published on October 23, 2023

A joint letter proposing the following amendments to Bill C-293, An Act respecting pandemic prevention and preparedness:

– Recommendation #1: That Section 4(2) (I) be removed to allow the Advisory Committee the flexibility to undertake its mandate and to focus its attention on pandemic prevention and preparedness. Specifically, our concerns relate to the use of the words “regulate” and “phase out.” It is recommended this wording be removed or changed to consistently use “assess” or “summarize.”

– Recommendation #2: That the Bill include language that encourages continued support and enforcement of existing biosecurity initiatives, including industry-led initiatives.

– Recommendation #3: That the reference to “high-risk species” in Section 4 (2) (I). iv. be clearly defined.

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