Making sure pesticides are sustainable and obtainable

Quick Facts:

Pesticides play an important role as farmers continue to work towards producing the safest and highest quality foods possible. In order for producers to do their jobs efficiently and effectively, they need a regulatory system that is science-based and a government that is willing to provide producers with the necessary tools. The ability of farmers to have timely access to new products for use in pest management is extremely important to farmers to remain competitive in the global market. CFA also requests that more resources be directed at the registration of ‘minor use’ products to ensure producers of horticultural, vegetable, fruit and small acreage crops have access to the pest control tools they need.

Working Toward Solutions:

The CFA participates in both the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) Transformation Steering Committee and the Pest Management Advisory Council (PMAC), along with other stakeholders with the shared goal of improving the current regulatory system.  

As part of the PMRA Transformation process, CFA sits on both the Steering Committee and Technical Working Group that supports this process. 

Read more on pesticides in the CFA Policy Manual

CFA Recommendations:

Growers Own Use Program

The federal government’s Growers Own Use Program (GROU) allows growers to import the U.S. version of Canadian-registered crop protection products for their own use, based on recommendations from a product nomination committee. CFA is a member of this committee.