Investing in Rural Infrastructure

Quick Facts:

Issues Overview

Prosperity in rural communities depends on strategic investments. 

Rural communities deserve the same services and infrastructure that urban communities already enjoy. Many areas in rural communities suffer from infrastructure deficits, whether it be digital connectivity, transportation infrastructure or access to social services, these inefficiencies hurt rural communities’ ability to conduct business efficiently. Investing in rural infrastructure is an investment in the future of a growing sector and paves the way for future opportunities. 

These investments are not only key to the business environment of rural Canada, but also the lifestyle needs of the next generation of Canadian farmers. 

Rural broadband is a key fundamental pillar in allowing agriculture to achieve its potential, not only in productivity but also in emission reduction . 

In the 2020 Federal Budget, the Government of Canada promised to have 100% high-speed internet coverage in Canada by 2030. However, Canadian producers that lack access to reliable, affordable broadband will continue to miss out on opportunities. Strategic investments are needed to ensure Canadian agriculture is positioned for success in supporting Canada’s economic recovery. 

Working Toward Solutions:

CFA has been working to position the agricultural sector as a primed for growth, a leading candidate for strategic investment from the federal government. This sentiment has been echoed by reports from the Federal government such as the Agri-Food Economic Strategy Table, and also by leading financial institutions such as the Royal Bank of Canada’s Farmer 4.0 Report. 

Agriculture is a sector that can grow exponentially in terms of productivity, efficiency and innovation, and CFA works to make sure the government takes note of Canadian agriculture’s potential to be one of the world’s greatest food suppliers. 

With the Federal Government announcing that it will have 100% high-speed coverage by 2030, CFA is working to ensure that this coverage address the sector’s needs as quickly as possible, and that is not only good for today’s needs, but also future-proof as needs for bandwidth increase. For example, the continued roll-out of precision agriculture technologies highlights the immense potential were there to be field-level wireless broadband coverage across Canada. 

CFA Recommendations:

See our Policy Manual for more information