Business Risk Management Programs

Quick Facts

Issue Overview

Farmers need flexible programs to help manage risks beyond their control.

While agriculture is one of Canada’s main economic pillars, it is also a high-risk business. Farmers must regularly balance decisions based on volatile prices, unpredictable weather, and a global market influenced by geopolitical risk and government support to competing producers in other countries. Many of these risks represent challenges beyond the farmer’s control.

To reach its full potential, the Canadian agriculture sector needs a stable economic foundation that can withstand the pressures of a shifting global and domestic market climate. To manage risks that can’t be addressed through on-farm practices, Canadian producers participate in business risk management (BRM) programs that support them in adapting to evolving markets, facilitating investment in response to future opportunities and acquiring technological innovations. Several government programs help them to meet these needs:

Recent Developments

Starting with the 2023 program year, the compensation rate under AgriStability will increase from 70% to 80%. As a result, producers may receive a payment if their production margin in the current year falls below their historical reference margin by more than 30%. AgriStability covers 80% of the loss for every dollar below the threshold.

As the programs are cost-shared by the Federal and Provincial governments, 2/3 of provinces must sign on to this proposal to have it come into effect.

Working Towards Solutions


See our policy manual for information.