
CFA develops policy positions on issues of importance to the economic and social wellbeing of farmers and their families. Each year, we publish the CFA Policy Manual containing our current policy statements and resolutions passed during the previous three years at our annual meetings and semi-annual meetings. Also included are earlier resolutions which have been reaffirmed by the Federation.

Our standing policy statements are developed based on resolutions, briefs to the federal government and other types of formal submissions. On occasion, CFA policy involves matters under federal government review or change. In these cases, our policy includes recommendations which are relevant to the government’s policy review.

In forming policy, the CFA is consistent with its corporate objectives, which are:

Download the complete 2025 CFA Policy Manual

Get updates on key issues:
Find out how CFA is working for farmer’s interests on a variety of issues by viewing our issue summaries on the topics listed below. Refer to our policy manual for our complete policy statements.