CFA Summer Board Meeting and FPT Roundtable

CFA Summer Board Meeting and FPT Roundtable

For CFA’s upcoming Summer Meeting and FPT Roundtable this July in Saskatoon, SK, please note the following meeting information and recommendations to assist you in your respective planning/scheduling. The CFA will be working closely with our host province/provincial partner APAS to confirm all details. It should be noted that the July 20th date of the meeting/Government Reception is not fully confirmed, but we are still moving forward with this timeline.

View the agenda here.

Register today!

Please note that the deadline to book a hotel room with the CFA room block has passed. CFA strongly urges that you acquire accomodations before registering for the meeting.

CFA’s Summer board meeting will commence on the afternoon of July 18th, with the FPT Roundtable being held on July 20th. Below, you can find a high-level schedule to assist you with your travel bookings/schedule. It is recommended that our delegates consider booking their travel plans if applicable as soon as possible. We understand that there are several other industry conferences in Saskatoon the same week as the FPT Roundtable and there is a John Fogerty concert in Saskatoon on the evening of July 19th with an expected attendance of 31,000.

The government portion of the FPT Meeting of Agriculture Ministers are tentatively scheduled for July 20th to July 22nd.

Online Registration: The online registration will be $350.00 CDN per CFA delegate, and $400 for non-members.

Government-Hosted Evening Reception on July 20th (TBD): The CFA will be managing our stakeholder invitations and correspondence with the Government. More details will follow.


*If you would like to attend virtually, please contact to get further details.