Data as a Foundation for Sustainable Productivity delves into the transformative potential of data in the agricultural sector, emphasizing the critical need for a comprehensive policy and legislative framework to harness the benefits of advanced data analytics and precision farming. The report highlights the essential role of both government and industry leaders in establishing clear parameters for data use, sharing, and interoperability, alongside fostering public and private investments in connectivity infrastructure and equipment standards.
Read the full report here.
Key Recommendations:
Pan-Canadian Data Strategy:
- In concert with producers and value-chain stakeholders, develop a Pan-Canadian Data Strategy that establishes a common policy framework for public and private investment in research, programming, digital skills, outcome-based measurement and reporting to support Canada’s productivity and sustainability objectives.
Investment in Rural Connectivity:
- Close the connectivity gap between urban, rural and remote regions of Canada and ensure sufficient in-field connectivity to enable the range of agtech opportunities emerging for farmers.
- Establish programming to support the integration of connectivity solutions and equipment such as, for example, portable hotspots, satellite technology, weather monitors, cameras and irrigation controllers.
Standards Development and Interoperability:
- Support industry efforts to develop common principles, guidelines and standards that support the use of data for farm management, data-informed decision making, as well as regulatory and market-based reporting requirements.
- Make a legislative commitment to supporting farm equipment interoperability.
Capacity Building:
- Capacity building for farm groups that are best positioned to protect farmers’ rights and support greater transparency around data. This should include not only support for data infrastructure and improved governance, but also innovative measurement technologies, education, awareness and new agricultural extension services to support adoption.
The integration of data and advanced analytics promises to significantly enhance the productivity, sustainability, and resilience of Canadian agriculture. Achieving this potential requires concerted efforts from both public and private sectors to establish a supportive policy framework and invest in the necessary infrastructure and standards. By taking a proactive leadership role, these sectors can ensure that agriculture meets global food demand in an environmentally sustainable and economically viable manner.
Immediate action is needed to build a resilient agricultural ecosystem powered by data.