News Releases

CFA Statement on Support for Farmers Facing Extreme Weather; Calls for Increased AgriStability Compensation Rate

July 23rd, Ottawa – The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) is encouraged to see yesterday’s announcement of support for farmers facing extreme weather as droughts continue to affect farmers across Canada and especially in the Prairie provinces. These are important steps in what needs to be a comprehensive response to such a dire ...

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CFA Concerned with Negative Impacts on Farmers due to Delay on Bill C-208

July 9, 2021, Ottawa – The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) is concerned about the negative impacts on family farms that will come from the unprecedented delay to enact Bill C-208 as legislation. The Finance Department has said that they are delaying the implementation of the Bill until January 2022, and will likely be making […]

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CFA Urges Provinces to to Raise AgriStability Compensation Rate

June 28th, 2021 – In light of the recent announcement that Ontario has decided to increase the AgriStability compensation rate from 70% to 80%, the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) is urging other provinces to follow suit so that farmers across Canada can be better supported through uncontrollable events that severely reduce ...

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CFA Pleased to see the Senate Pass Bill C-208

June 23rd, 2021 – Ottawa ON – The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA), representing 200,000 farm families from across Canada, is extremely pleased that the Canadian Senate voted in favour of Bill C-208’s adoption last evening. This private member’s Bill addresses long-standing barriers that make it more costly to transfer a ...

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The Canadian Federation of Agriculture is Pleased to See Agriculture Identified as a Key Economic Pillar in the 2021 Federal Budget

Ottawa, April 20th, 2021 – The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) is pleased with several key announcements in the Federal Budget that recognized a number of the CFA’s pre-budget submission recommendations. “Both before and during the pandemic, CFA has been touting the potential of agriculture and agri-food for the Canadian economy and ...

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CFA pleased to see removal of the RML but calls on feds to offer its increased compensation rate to supportive provinces

March 25, Ottawa ON – While CFA is pleased to see the removal of the Reference Margin Limit (RML), which has unduly and inequitably limited support for many producers since its introduction, CFA is disappointed that it appears some provinces were unwilling to adopt enhancements to the compensation rate for farmers.  For years and ...

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Food Freedom Day is February 9th, 2021

 OTTAWA, February 9, 2021 —The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) has calculated that by Tuesday, February 9, 2021, a Canadian household of average income will have earned enough to pay their entire year’s grocery bill. Each year, CFA examines the proportion of income that Canadians spend on food as a way to explore year-over-year ...

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CFA Welcomes Minister’s Announcement on Compensation and Investments in the Canadian Dairy, Poultry & Egg Sectors

November 30, Ottawa – Quickly on the heels of Minister Bibeau delivering details of how the Government of Canada has tabled proposed improvements in AgriStability, the Minister announced Saturday that the Government has reached an agreement to fulfill its promise to compensate Canada’s supply-managed farmers for the losses in their ...

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Statement from Canadian Federation of Agriculture on FPT deliberations on Improvements to Business Risk Management Programs

November 27th, Ottawa – CFA and stakeholders across the food supply chain have been urging Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial governments to return the AgriStability program back to the levels it held in 2013. CFA was pleased to see today that Agriculture and Agri-food Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau has demonstrated strong leadership ...

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Rural Broadband implementation a fundamental step in unleashing agriculture’s potential

November 11, Ottawa – CFA was very pleased with today’s announcement from the Federal Government of $750 million funding for the Universal Broadband Fund. This is additional funding to the $1 billion announced in the 2019 budget for the same purpose. The government also announced a $600 million agreement to improve connectivity and ...

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