April 27, 2017 — In efforts to strengthen the Canada-U.S. trade relationship, CFA executives are travelling this week to meet with American farm bureau representatives in several states. CFA President Ron Bonnett, Vice-President Marcel Groleau, Executive Director Errol Halkai and Trade Analyst Bob Friesen are taking part in a busy itinerary that includes meetings in California, Kansas, Iowa and Wisconsin.
During these discussions CFA representatives have found consensus with American farm groups in that trade disputes inevitably hurt farmers more than anyone else and that NAFTA is working well for agriculture.To facilitate trade flows, they support regulatory harmonization without renegotiating the trade agreement itself and certainly don’t support a border adjustment tax at any level.
These meetings are key in developing relationships and consensus across the border and to foster co-operation in the face of a volatile trade environment.

Photo: CFA President Ron Bonnett and Executive Director Errol with Iowa Farm Bureau President Craig Hill, and David Miller, Research and Commodity Director